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This week we are getting a look behind the scenes of New York City's toughest workout, Tone House. Start by checking out our sit down with the founder of TH, Alonzo Wilson, found here and then get a small sampling of what this workout is like by following the routine outlined below.

As always, begin with a 10 minute warm-up, consisting of some cardio, dynamic stretching and any specific injury prevention or mobility that you need.

Find an open spot in a gym or on a field and do 3-4 rounds of the following circuit, with no rest in between movements and 2 mins. rest between each round. For a real challenge, cut the rest between round in half or increase the reps per movement.

Scorpion Push-Up: Begin in plank position. Complete one push-up and then flip over to the left and plant your left foot. Lift the right leg off the ground and touch your left toe with your left hand. Flip back over to starting position and repeat to the right. Continue alternating back and forth, 10 on each side.

Plyo Knee Tuck Push-Up: Begin in plank position. Keep the hands planted on the ground and kick both feet up and off the ground. Land back in plank position and complete one push-up. Do 20 times. 

Push-up/Squat Jump: Begin in plank position. Complete one push-up and then jump your feet to your hands. Then, jump straight up as high as you can. Jump the feet back to starting plank position and repeat. Do 20 times.

Push-up Twist: Begin in plank position. Keep you hands firmly planted and bend the knees while twisting the obliques to the right. Return to plank position and then bend and twist to the left. Continue alternating back and forth, 10 on each side.

Rolling Push-Up:  Begin in push-up position with your right hand on top of a medicine ball. Roll the right arm straight out as you complete a push-up with your left arm.  Do 10 times and then repeat with medicine ball under your left hand.

Lateral Rolling Push-Up: Begin in push-up position with right hand on top of a medicine ball. Roll the right arm out to the side laterally while you complete a push-up with your left arm. Do 10 times and then repeat with medicine ball under your left hand.

Cocoons: Begin lying on your back with the medicine ball over your head. Engage the core and left the arms, ball and legs up to touch overhead. Do 20 times.

Russian Twists: Begin seated holding the medicine in both hands. Twist the ball to the right and then the left. Do 20 times.

Consider this to be a small sampling of what's to come during your first Tone House workout and remember, all Rhone customers can use the code ROOKIE to get a 25% discount on Tone House's Rookie Pass. By using the discount code, you will get two TH101 classes at $15/class*. You can book classes here.

*Restrictions: first time clients only, only applicable to TH101 classes, limit of one per person.

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