Finding time for a workout can sometimes feel impossible. We have a million things to do and by the time we’re done with those million things there’s no way we can convince our bodies (or minds) to get after it at the gym, even though we know we will feel better at the end.

As such, the day drifts on, our bodies feeling sluggish and fitness goals becoming increasingly difficult to hit. 

This used to be my life (and to be fair on certain days it still is). I worked in finance in Los Angeles. I would get into the office around 9am and not leave until at least 10pm at night (true story, often times it would be midnight).

This is known as ‘insanely difficult to fit in a workout.’ Naturally, I didn’t workout very often. I had a short and finite window each day where I had the energy to workout and I always seemed to miss that window.

For most, peak energy is around 10am—the coffee has set in, the thinker is ticking, and lunch-time hunger is a ways away. Therefore, it should be 'Workout Time.'

If you have the energy and time, you better get over to the gym in a hurry. But because I know this isn’t a reality for many, working out in the early morning is the only way to go.

For one thing, you are guaranteed a workout. The rest of your day is up for grabs, but that hour and a half in the morning before work is all yours.

Personally, I like to get up at 5am and start working out around 6 or 6:30am (i.e. enough time to hit snooze once or twice and to pull down some delicious coffee). I’m done by 8am with just enough time to shower move on with my day.

I know what you are thinking but before you begin let me hit you with some truth here: you’re going to be tired whether you sleep in until 5am or 7:30am so you may as well get a workout in.

Try to go to bed earlier (which by the way is the easiest method for not taking down late night snacks) and, if possible, hit a power-nap around 2pm. If neither of those are an option, make sure you’re getting plenty of rest on the weekend—that’s about all you can do.

Regardless, you should be active often—even if it’s walking your dog around the block. You may also look into joining a sports team. If every Wednesday you play soccer, well then you know for sure on Wednesday nights you’re getting a workout in.

It’s on your schedule and it’s harder for your boss to keep you late on Wednesdays.

Defend that time, do something everyday, and establish a habit.

In summary, weekdays hurt and working out is tough. If a 10am workout isn’t possibly, wake up early and go before work. Do not skip that morning workout because the odds that you’ll make it to the gym later are unknown.

Also, workout often. If your routine is sporadic it’s harder to convince yourself that today's workout is a linchpin. Lastly, buy workout gear that you like. I didn’t mention this earlier, but, of course, I have to give a shout out to Rhone!


Jeff Rizzo is a health and fitness enthusiast who reviews active equipment and other products on his website, He also has a YouTube Channel where he creates full length reviews on everything from fitness trackers to footwear. 

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