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This 3 part series, written by John Huddart, a health coach and Ironman triathlete, explores how to best approach a goal, as big and complex, as getting healthy.

In this article, Huddart shares a story of how he was safely able to let loose and party at a friends wedding before getting back onto his training regimen. He also shares the exact recovery strategy he used.


Create A Resilient Relationship With Health

Before I share with you what I have found to be 3 critical components of creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle, I’d like to tell you a short story about when I truly realized their influences.

It was 5am, and as the sun came up, 6 of us were still dancing in the kitchen, the wedding ceremony already feeling like a distant memory.

I’d just eaten half of one of the late night pizzas and honestly, couldn’t tell you the number of drinks I’d had - but I’m sure my mom would be shocked.

One of my dearest friends, Taylor, and his new bride Andrea, were there beside me, smiling and dancing close.

As the DJ dropped another beat, a voice in my head suggested that maybe I should think about going to sleep. After all, I had been awake for 24 hours and earlier that day ridden 160 km on my bike before running another 10.

Yes, you read that right: I’d finished 170 km’s of training earlier that day.

This was one of my last training sessions before racing Ironman Canada, the most challenging distance of triathlon – just a few weeks away.

It was reckless: little sleep, doughy pizzas and losing count of my drinks?

On paper, you couldn’t come up with a worse choice for a post workout routine, especially after riding a bike and running for over seven hours...

But at this point in my health journey I was supported by a foundation of habits – I knew that I would bounce back because my health was resilient.

But, like I said in my last article, like most folks, this was a lesson I had been learning the hard way (with varying degrees of success) for several years.

2 years earlier that same celebration would have lead to what I call a life hangover:

That feeling when you beat yourself up for a lack of willpower, for compromising on your goals and giving into temptation. Back then, one night’s indulgence could easily turn the tides and I’d get stuck in the pizza, beer and poor health mindset.

But for 11 months, I’d been using the power of 3 foundational principles of a sustainable healthy lifestyle and I was frankly feeling better than I’d ever felt in my life.

As a result, I was able finish my last key workout and also take the time and energy to celebrate my best friends wedding without checking out after the sun set.

In my next article let me share with you exactly what I used that year to empower me into this kind of resilient Ironman or Ironwomen, health.

John Huddart is not your typical health coach.

While he initially walked the typical path of calories, supplements and the gym, John saw that this brand of health didn’t address the underlying issue – what he see’s as the undeniable reality that we have domesticated ourselves into a fragile version of the powerful beings we once were.

Using bio-hacking principles, lost traditional wisdom and cutting edge research, John works to move his clients away from a status-quo or zoo-like relationship with health and gradually help them reclaim their position as strong and resilient human beings.

Feel free to reach out to me directly:

Or join us on Instagram @luloralifestyle

Are You Ready for Sustainable Ironman health?

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